I got the chance to interview the media profile Tucker Carlson about fake news and fact-checking. It became as confused as anything said in his own interviews.
Why don’t you dare ask your crazy guests critical questions?
– In fact, I always do. Everything else is fake news.
You have been saying that Russia is winning the war and that they treat prisoners of war well. Why then do the prisoners of war die of starvation and abuse?
– In fact, facts can be true even if they are incorrect.
How do you mean?
– If I say something that is a fact, it is true and not fake news. If someone says something against me, it’s fake news and not facts. It is a fact.
In fact, you only do and say the most provocative things to get attention?
– In fact, the facts are on my side. Can I have it as marketing, is it something that is true and good.
Is that a wig you’re wearing?
– In fact, it isn’t. It’s my real hair as much as all my guests and I myself always tell the truth. It is a fact. It is also true that your interview is now over.